小学英语 / 牛津译林版 / 五年级下册 / Unit 8 Brithday / 编号:20591329

Unit 8 Birthdays Sound time&Culture time&Cartoon time教案

日期:2024-06-26 科目:小学英语 类型:教案 来源:二一教育课件站
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小学英语 小学英语
Unit8 Birthdays Sound time&Culture time&Cartoon time 教材分析: 本课时是包含三个板块,Sound time,Culture Time和Cartoon time。其中 Sound time板块呈现了字母组合th的另一种发音/ /,Culture time板块介绍了西方人收到礼物时的反应,Cartoon time板块讲述了Bobby, Sam和Billy在演一场英雄救美的舞台剧。 学情分析: 我校五年级学生两级分化较大,基础知识方面是学生最薄弱的环节,在第一、二课时中学生基本了解了基数词、序数词,并能在具体语境中用基本句型来描述日期和自己的生日。第三课时语音部分,学生要掌握字母组合“th”的另外一种发音,并能进行区分。文化部分和卡通部分内容有趣、生动,教师要设计丰富的教学活动,在发展学生兴趣的同时,拓展学生的知识面。考虑到学生两极分化较严重,教学要由简到难,循序渐进,充分培养学生的听说读写能力。 教学目标: 1.能了解并掌握字母组合th在单词中的发音。 2.能理解、阅读和表演cartoon time。 3.了解中西方收到礼物时的不同反应。 4.培养遇到困难勇敢面对的品质。 教学重难点: 1.能了解并掌握字母组合th在单词中的发音。 2.能理解、阅读和表演cartoon time。 教学过程 Before class activities 1. Quick response Today is the _____ of June. Su Hai’s birthday is on the _____ of May. There are _____ months in a year. ... While-class activities Step1: Sound time 1.Where does Coco's father work How is Coco's mother ... Look and say What’s the sound of “th” Try to read 你知道字母组合“th”还有其他发音吗? Brainstorm Do you know more words with “th” Read and match Step2. Culture time . Look and say Q1: What will Lucy say when she receives the present 想象一下,Lucy收到礼物会说什么? Q2: Will Lucy open the present as soon as she receive it Lucy收到礼物后会马上打开吗? 拓展:In China, we usually don't open the presents as soon as we receive them. People in the West usually open their presents as soon as they receive them. Step3. Cartoon time Look and say What present is it Play tickets. Teach:see a play看戏剧 Who’s in the play 观察海报回答 Watch and match Q: What roles do they play Teach:hero Read and answer 自主阅读在文中画出关键句 Q1: What's on the door? Q2: What is the password Q3: Who is in the house? Read and choose What a play!是什么意思? Let’s imagine 如果你是Bobby,看到眼前的公主, 你想说些什么呢?给故事加一个新结局吧! (6).Listen and repeat (7).Happy reading (8).Let’s discuss!:What do you think of Bobby 情感教育:Be brave to face the difficulties!遇到困难,勇敢面对! .Try to fill Birthday customs观看不同国家的生日习俗 What do you do on your birthday 小组讨论分享,为下节写作课做准备 Step4. Assignment 1.Find more words with sound of “th”. 寻找更多含有“th”发音的单词 2.Read and act Cartoon time. 朗读并表演卡通 Step6. Blackboard design Unit8 Birthdays ... ...

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