高中英语 / 月考专区 / 高二下学期 / 编号:20680659


日期:2024-09-29 科目:高中英语 类型:试卷 来源:二一教育课件站
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高中英语 高中英语
岭南师范学院附属中学 2023-2024学年第二学期 高中非毕业班第二次段考 高二年级 英语 考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分 第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节 (共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A BBC Young Reporter Competition If you are 11-18 years old, tell us about a story you think the BBC should be reporting. What is the BBC Young Reporter Competition It is a yearly opportunity for 11-to 18-year-olds across the UK to submit (提交) an original story idea to the BBC. BBC Young Reporter Competition winners will have the chance to tell their story on TV, radio, online or on social media with the help of BBC journalists, producers and program makers. We are not looking for finished reports but entries should just be an outline (概述) of a story idea. This can be submitted as a written description or videos. Entries will be judged in two age categories: 11 -15 and 16- 18. There is one entry category: Me and My World. Entries should be an original and true story about your life, or the world you live in. It could be about your own identity or experience that influences you or your community. You need to show how your report on this story can reflect the wider situation. Entries will only be considered when submitted via the online mechanism (机制). No other method of entry is permitted (this includes email or post). Judging process Stories will be judged on editorial merit (优点)—that means the strength of the story, originality, and the personal story or background related to it. Judges will be looking for 40 winning stories from across the UK. Judges include editors from across the BBC as well as presenters and reporters. Stories will not be broadcast until all the judging is completed and the winners are announced in June. Contact us If you have any questions about the BBC Young Reporter Competition, please contact a member of the team by emailing youngreportercompetition@bbc.co.uk. 1. What can be learned about the competition A. It is hosted once a year. B. It is for professional journalists. C. Stories can be submitted by email. D. Participants should present their complete stories. 2. How can a participant have a bigger chance to win the competition A. The story should be about a history hero. B. The story may be adapted from another one. C. The story can be an imaginary one in the future. D. The story ought to be about their real experience. 3. What information can we get from the Judging process A. Stories can be broadcast in June. B. Judges are all editors from across the BBC. C. Stories must be recommended by a teacher or a professor. D. Judges will be looking for 40 winning stories from across Europe. B 55-year-old Rob Kenney, who grew up without a father, has been doing his part to make a difference in the lives of kids today. He created a YouTube channel, called Dad, How Do I, which aims to give youths the valuable lessons a father is meant to give. Launched only two months ago, ... ...

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