初中英语 / 人教新目标(Go for it)版 / 八年级上册 / Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister. / 本单元复习与测试 / 编号:20934493

人教新目标八上英语单元基础过关Units 2-3 练习(无答案)

日期:2024-10-18 科目:初中英语 类型:试卷 来源:二一教育课件站
预览图 4
初中英语 初中英语
八上英语单元基础过关Unit2 一、写出下列单词以及其相关词性转换。 1.家务劳动;家务事n. →家庭作业n. 2.在任何时候;从来;曾经adv. →(反义词) 3.一次;曾经adv. →-num. →第一的adj. 4.两次;两倍adv. →二 num. →第二的adj. 5.忙的;满的;充满的adj. →(近义词) 6.大概;或许;可能adv. →(同义词) 7.最小;最少 adv.最小的;最少的adj.&.pron. →(原级) →(比较级) 8. junk n. →垃圾食品(短语) 9.健康;人的身体(或精神)状态n. →健康的adj. 10.电视节目;电视机n. →看电视(短语) 11.消失;灭亡;死亡 v.→(现在分词) →死亡n →死的;没有生命的adj. 12.作者;作家n. →写作;写字v. →(现在分词) →(过去式) 13.较少;较小 adv. 较少的;更少的adj.&pron. →(原级) →少于(短语) 14.usual adj.通常的→_____ adv.通常地→_____adj.不寻常的 15.activity n.活动→_____ pl. →_____adj.活跃的 16.shopv.买;购物→_____(v.-ing) →_____过去式 17.hardly adv.几乎不;几乎没有→_____ adv.费力地;猛烈地→_____adj.坚硬的;艰难的 二、默写下列短语 1 . _____帮助做家务活 2 . _____ 购物 3 . _____ 在周末 4 . _____ 多久一次 5 . _____ 几乎不 6 . _____ 每周一次 7 ._____ 每月二次 8 . _____ 去看电影 9 . _____ 每天 10 . _____上网 / 用网 11 ._____ 有空 12 ._____上舞蹈钢琴课 13 . _____摇摆舞 14 . _____ 打网球 15 . _____ 熬夜 16 . _____ 至少 17 ._____ 早睡 18 . _____锻炼身体 19 . _____对… ... 有好处 20 ._____去野营 21 ._____在某人的空闲时间 22 ._____根本不 23 ._____最流行 24 ._____例如 25 ._____去看牙医 26 ._____超过 / 多于 27 . _____旧习惯难改 28 ._____ 困难的 三、单项选择 1.Although they feel tired,_____they still go on working. A.and B.but C./ D.so 2.His grandmother is well because she often _____. A.exercises B.smokes C.sleeps D.sings 3.—_____do they play basketball —Every day. A.How soon B.How much C.How many D.How often 4.His mother wants him_____at home today. A.stays B.stayed C.to stay D.staying 5.Here_____the results_____the exam. A.is;with B.are;of C.is;of D.are;with 6.Mr.Morgan _____ know the way to the museum. A.maybe B.may be C.may D.perhaps 7.Many animals _____ because the weather was bad. A.were dead B.died C.dying D.death 8.They usually go shopping _____. A.one a week B.once a week C.one the week D.once week 9.Tim is young,_____,he can speak three languages. A.but B.yet C.however D.though 10.Smoking_____your health. A.is good for B.is bad for C.is good to D.is bad to 11. —I decide to exercise every day. —It sounds great. It'll be good for your ____ and body. A. mind B. program C. result D. swing 12. He could find the way home ____ he was only three years old. A. although B. because C. where D. if 13. —Daniel, do you know that bees ____ get lost —Yes. Bees always remember to come back the same way as they went. A. always B. never C. sometimes D. hardly 14. —I wonder ____ the students have a physical examination. —Once a year. A. how far B. how soon C. how long D. how often 15. —Are you free next week, Mary —Oh, next week is quite____ for me. I have too much work to do. A. relaxing B. easy C. full D. difficult 16. —What's the best way to make progress in(在…… ... ...

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