初中英语 / 人教版(2024) / 七年级上册(2024) / Unit 2 We're Family! / Section A / 编号:21389375

【高效课堂】人教新目标版(2024)七年级上册Unit 2 We're Family Section A pronunciation-2e优质课件+素材

日期:2024-10-06 科目:初中英语 类型:素材 来源:二一教育课件站
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(课件网) Unit 2 We’re Family Section A What is your family like Section A pronunciation-2e 人教新目标版(2024) 七年级上册 主讲人:XXX CONTENTS 目录 01 Review 03 While-reading 05 Summary 07 Exercises 02 Pre-reading 04 Post-reading& Pronunciation 06 Language points 08 Homework Learning objectives 能够识记理解本节课上遇到的新单词, 短语及目标句型; 能够用英语描述全家福以及家人的爱好。掌握/ /,/ɑ /,/ /,/ /的发音。 Language competence 能够大声朗读,正确单词发音,掌握长元音/ /,/ɑ /和短元音/ /,/ /的发音,了解单词的重音。通过阅读对话,提高提取关键信息的能力。 Learning ability 能够借助可视化思维工具,通过对比学习,发现差异并对此进行分析,整合,将学习内容结构化,能够在会话中从人物喜好判断人物性格。 Thinking quality 善于发现家人的喜好、优点, 探索成为家人的意义。能够感知中外家庭的文化差异。 Cultural awareness Part. 01 Review Look at the family tree and talk. Let’s review. Grandpa Grandfather Grandpa Grandfather Grandma Grandmother Grandma Grandmother Aunt Uncle Dad father Mum mother Aunt Uncle Me Brother Cousin Cousin Cousin Cousin Let’s review. Try to introduce this family photo to us. This is my family photo. This is my father. This is my mother. That is my sister. Look! It’s me. Those are my grandparents. And I have a dog. Its name is Pipi. Part. 02 Pre-reading Today, we will go on learning family members and their activities. 1. Who are the two boys in the picture 2. Where are they How do you know 3. What can you see in the picture Peter and Teng Fei. Teng Fei’s home. activity / k t v ti/ n.活动 a piano a stool(凳子) fishing rods /r d/钓竿 ping-pong bats/b t/乒乓球拍 Today, we will go on learning family members and their activities. 4. What is Peter looking at 5. What do you think they are talking about Maybe the piano Maybe the fishing rods Maybe the ping-pong bats Maybe they are talking about family members’ things and their activities. Part. 03 While-reading 2a Listen to the conversation and circle the coloured words you hear. Teng Fei: Hi, Peter! Come in. / Welcome. Peter: Thanks. Oh, these ping-pong bats are nice. Whose are they Teng Fei: Well, this is my ping-pong bat, and the black / red one is my grandpa’s. Peter: Do you often play ping-pong together Teng Fei: Yes, we play every day / week. My grandpa loves sport. Peter: Whose fishing rods are those Teng Fei: They’re my father’s. He spends a lot of / lots of time fishing. Peter: Hey, do you play the piano Teng Fei: No, I don’t. It’s my mother’s piano. She can play it really / very well! Read the conversation again and complete the table about Teng Fei’s family. Family member Thing Activity Teng Fei ping-pong bat play ping-pong Grandpa Father Mother black ping-pong bat play ping-pong fishing rods go fishing the piano play the piano 2b Make short conversations 1.Whose ping-pong bat is it It's Teng Fei’s. 2.What activity does Teng Fei often do He often plays ping-pong. Watch the conversation again. Then role-play it. 2c Part. ... ...

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