高中英语 / 高考专区 / 三模真题 / 编号:20306255


日期:2024-09-08 科目:高中英语 类型:试卷 来源:二一教育课件站
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2024届高三第三次模拟考试 英语 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节 (共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the woman mean A. His brother should let them use the car. B. The subway is fine with her. C. A car wouldn't be any faster. 2. Where are the speakers A. In a jeweler's shop. B. At a party. C. At home. 3 When does the second bus leave here on Saturdays A. At 7:30 a. m. B. At 8:30 a. m. C. At 9:30 a. m. 4. Who wants to borrow the book A. David. B. Alice. C. Jane. 5. Why did the woman get a ticket A. She drove too fast. B. She ran a red light. C. She parked illegally. 第二节 (共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6~7题。 6. What is probably the woman A. Sportswoman. B. P. E. teacher. C. Student. 7. What do we know about the speakers A. They are both football players. B. They are both in training. C. They both enjoy sports. 听第7段材料,回答第8~10题。 8. Why do some doctors strongly recommend arm exercises now A. Our arms are often too fat. B. Our arms are often too soft. C. Arm exercises can build us up. 9. What will happen to your blood pressure when you only have arm exercises A. It will slow down. B. It will rise up. C. It will keep normal. 10. What is the most popular exercise the man mentions A Arm exercise. B. Head exercise. C. Cycling. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers A. Host and guest. B. Husband and wife. C. Customer and waiter. 12. What do the speakers want to do A. End the party. B. Go back home. C. Do voluntary work. 13. What will the man do next A. Buy more drinks. B. Play the music. C. Shut the lights. 听第9段材料,回答第14~ 16题。 14. Where are the speakers spending their Christmas A. In Japan. B. In China. C. In America. 15. Which of the following do the speakers miss most A. Their parents. B. The colored lights. C. The Christmas parties. 16. What is the woman's brother fond of A. Going shopping. B. Photographing. C. Climbing mountains. 听第10段材料,回答第17 至 20题。 17. What does the speaker mainly talk about A. The university library. B. The library rules. C. The library hours. 18. Where is the most likely place to find a book on physics A. Level one. B. Level two. C. Level three. 19. Who can check out twenty books A. Undergraduate students. B. ... ...

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