高中英语 / 高考专区 / 二轮专题 / 题型专题 / 读后续写 / 编号:21184853


日期:2024-09-17 科目:高中英语 类型:素材 来源:二一教育课件站
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高中英语 高中英语
高中英语读后续写之不同的续写逻辑 调皮的后果 “Let’s both yell hysterical at the same time and see what she does.” 续写逻辑1:引发混乱 续写思路:两人同时大喊,制造出一种混乱的气氛,看看对方的反应。 “Okay, let’s do it!” They both yelled at the same time, their voices echoing through the room. She looked startled, her eyes wide with surprise. Instead of getting angry, she burst into laughter, clearly amused by their antics. The tension in the room dissipated, and soon all three were laughing together, realizing that sometimes chaos can bring people closer. “好的,来吧!”他们同时大喊,声音在房间里回荡。她看起来很惊讶,眼睛睁得大大的。她没有生气,而是突然笑了出来,显然被他们的举动逗乐了。房间里的紧张气氛消散了,三个人很快一起笑了起来,意识到有时候混乱可以让人更亲近。 续写逻辑2:引发争吵 续写思路:两人同时大喊,结果引发了她的不满,导致争吵。 “Let’s yell together!” they shouted in unison. Her expression darkened immediately, and she snapped, “What are you two doing This is ridiculous!” The playful mood shifted to one of tension as she crossed her arms, clearly annoyed. The two exchanged worried glances, realizing that their fun had backfired, and now they had to deal with her anger. “让我们一起大喊!”他们齐声喊道。她的表情立刻变得阴沉,愤怒地说:“你们在干什么?这太荒谬了!”玩乐的气氛转变为紧张,她双臂交叉,显然很恼火。两人互相担忧地对视,意识到他们的玩笑适得其反,现在不得不面对她的愤怒。 续写逻辑3:引发思考 续写思路:两人大喊后,她开始反思他们的行为,进行深入的对话。 “Let’s both yell hysterically!” they shouted together, their voices ringing out. She paused, looking contemplative. “What’s the point of this ” she asked, her tone serious. The two were taken aback, realizing that their silly idea had sparked a deeper conversation. They began discussing their feelings and the reasons behind their actions, leading to a more meaningful connection. “让我们一起歇斯底里地大喊!”他们齐声喊道,声音响亮。她停下来,显得很沉思。“这样做有什么意义?”她认真地问。两人愣住了,意识到他们的愚蠢想法引发了更深层次的对话。他们开始讨论自己的感受和行为背后的原因,促成了更有意义的联系。 续写逻辑4:引发惊喜 续写思路:两人大喊后,她被惊喜的情绪感染,做出意想不到的反应。 “Let’s yell together!” they shouted, their voices blending into a cacophony. To their surprise, she joined in, laughing and yelling with them. Then, she pulled out a party hat and a noisemaker, exclaiming, “Surprise! I was planning a celebration!” The room filled with joy as they all celebrated together, turning a silly moment into a festive occasion. “让我们一起大喊!”他们大喊,声音混合成一片喧嚣。出乎意料的是,她也加入了进来,和他们一起笑着大喊。然后,她拿出一顶派对帽和一个喇叭,兴奋地说:“惊喜!我正计划一个庆祝活动!”房间里充满了欢乐,他们一起庆祝,把这个愚蠢的时刻变成了一个节日的场合。 续写逻辑5:引发逃避 续写思路:两人大喊后,她选择逃避,表现出不想参与的态度。 “Let’s both yell hysterically!” they shouted in unison. She rolled her eyes and turned away, muttering, “I’m not ... ...

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