高中英语 / 高考专区 / 二轮专题 / 题型专题 / 完形填空 / 编号:21251441

2024年高考(全国甲卷)英语 完形填空真题深层解析+三年真题+题型策略及练习(PDF版,学生版+解析版)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:高中英语 类型:课件 来源:二一教育课件站
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《2024年高考英语新课标卷真题深度解析与考后提升》 完形填空(2024全国甲卷)学生版 (答案解析+官方评价+三年真题+词汇变式+满分策略+话题变式) 目录 一、原题呈现 .P2 二、答案解析 .3 三、官方评价 .3 四、题源网站 3 五、词汇变式 P5 (一)考纲词汇词形转换 .5 (二)考纲词汇识词知意 6 (三)高频短语厚积薄发 P.6 (四)核心考点单句填空 R.7 (五)长难句分析 7 六、三年真题 .7 (一)2023年全国甲卷完形填空 P7 (二)2023年全国乙卷完形填空 P8 (三)2022年全国甲卷完形填空 P9 (四)2022年全国乙卷完形填空 .P10 (五)2021年全国甲卷完形填空 P.11 (六)2021年全国乙卷完形填空 212 七、满分策略, P.14 八、话题变式 P17 人与社会家庭亲情社会温情话题8篇 R17 一、原题呈现 完形填空关键词:记叙文;人与社会;奶奶童年故事忆苦思甜;家庭亲情社会温情;五育并举 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 One day,we had a family dinner.While the adults were busy with their serious talk outside,I was left alone in the 41 to help my grandmother wash dishes.42my grandmother would tell me stories about her childhood. Born just before WWIl,my grandmother 43 an entirely different childhood lifestyle from mine.She did not have a chance to go to 44.Like in typical families,where boys were 45 much more than girls,my grandma had to stay at home to do 46.The only opportunity (she could seize to 47 was when her brother was having Chinese48 with the family tutor.She would sit quietly at the far end of the long dinner table,listening 49.This training taught her to read and write her Chinese upside down-a skill that has turned out to be quite50,especially whenever we share the newspaper.On most weekends,my grandmother,a young girl then,and her brother would go to the 51.There,they would walk through deep water,sit down cross-legged underwater and hold their52while they watched all action going on around them.This is something I 53-her ability to open her 54 underwater and still sit comfortably on the seabed. My childhood is quite55 compared with hers.I am 56 that I did not need to 57 the hardships like she did.I've never faced the problem of 58.I guess our different childhood background is what makes my grandmother such an amazing person to 59 to:her stories always make my history textbooks 60 41.A.sitting room B.kitchen C.yard D.dining hall 42.A.As always B.By the way C.For example D.Here and now 43.A.adjusted B.promoted C.achieved D.experienced 44.A.work B.school C.court D.press 45.A.favored B.tolerated C.trusted D.acknowledged 46.A.gardening B.homework C.business D.housework 47.A.exercise B.study C.explore D.teach 48.A.food B.guests C.lessons D.tea 49.A.closely B.directly C.nervously D.freely 50.A.professional B.awkward C.simple D.practical 51.A.market B.mountain C.beach D.class 52.A.secret B.breath C.view D.tongue 53.A.admire B.notice C.adopt D.value 54.A.hands B.mouth C.eyes D.arms 55.A.difficult B.complex C.happy D.similar 56.A.grateful B.surprised C.convinced D.regretful 57.A.reflect upon B.go through C.ask about D.prepare for 58.A.unemployment B.health C.education D.communication ... ...

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