小学英语 / 外研版(三起)(陈琳主编) / 四年级上册 / Module 4 / Unit 1 Do you want some rice? / 编号:21340835

Module 4 Unit 1 Do you want some rice 第2课时 表格式教学设计

日期:2024-09-29 科目:小学英语 类型:教案 来源:二一教育课件站
预览图 1
课题 Module4 Unit1 Do you want some rice 第 2 课时 课型 新授课 备课 时间 年 月 日 授课 时间 年 月 日 第 节 教学 目标 语言知识目标: 词汇:with, also, juice, ice, fast food, want, make, noodles, potato, tomato, egg, some. 句型:-Do you want some… -Yes, please./No, thank you. -What do you want -I want… 思维能力目标:能够理解课文对话的问询他人对食物选择的语句 Do you want some… -Yes, please. / No, thank you. 学习能力目标:能够预习课文,积极互动,记笔记,及时完成作业,巩固、改正错题。 文化品格目标:引导学生乐于感知并积极使用英语的习惯,体会中西方快餐饮食文化的不同。 教学 重点 难点 重点:本单元重点词汇,理解课文对话,就食物的选择向他人提问或回答问题。 难点:功能语句Do you want…?的熟练运用。 教学 准备 教师准备:教学课件、单词卡、电子白板 学生准备:背记单词、阅读课文、口头翻译 板书设计 Module4 Unit1 Do you want some rice 教学环节 教学过程 教学意图 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 Step1 Warm-up. 1. Greetings. 2. Listen and chant. Lead the SS to chant together. Greeting to the teacher Watch and listen to the song. Chant with the teacher. Attract the attention of the SS. Revision. Step2 Presentation. 1. Look and answer. Who are they What does the panda want Let’s have a look. 2. Let’s act out. Let the SS work in pairs to retell the dialogue. Then practice more with the pics 3. Group work. Let the SS draw the food for the picnic and then let them ask and answer, record what they want. Then share to the class. 4. Manners in Chinese food. Play the video for the SS. Let the SS know the culture of eating food in China. Look at the pics then answer the Qs with They are Bird and Panda. Read the dialogue and say the meaning of the sentences. Then answer the Qs. Some noodles. Retell the dialogue fill with their partners. Make more dialogues with the structure: -Do you want some… -Yes, please./No, thank you. -What do you want -I want… 每组制作或画出本组的野餐食物,之后在小组内根 据野餐食物询问:Do you want some… / What do you want 并做好记录。 Share the list. Watch the video Language prehension training. Retell training. Learn in context. Language and cooperation training. Culture training. Step3 Practice. 1. Choose the right answer. Let the SS read the context and choose the sentence. 2. Write the sentence in correct form. Let the SS write the sentences on their notebooks. Choose the answer. Think and try to say the answer. Check the answers together. Try to write the sentence, number the words first and pay attention to the capital letter and question marks. Check the answers together. Language use. Learn in context. Language use. Analyze and writing training. Step4 Summary. What do you learn today Check their notes books. Try to remember the langue points. Summarize. Solve the Problems. Step5 Homework. Recite the new words. Read the text again. Finish the exercise book of M4 U1. Translate the dialogue. Preview the new lessons. Practice. Revision. 教 学 后 记 ... ...

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