初中英语 / 人教新目标(Go for it)版 / 九年级全册 / Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth! / Section A / 编号:22267843

(教-学-评一致性)人教版九下Unit13 Section A 3a-3b 阅读课示范课课件+导学案+分层作业

日期:2025-03-08 科目:初中英语 类型:素材 来源:二一教育课件站
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(课件网) Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth! Section A (3a-3b) 教-学-评一致性阅读课示范课 人教新目标版 九年级(下册) 1. 通过观看视频和图片,能够正确地回答问题,能够说出鲨鱼的形态,在生态系统得位置以及数量变少得原因等。 2. 通过fast reading阅读策略,能够正确选择文章大意和匹配段落大意,能正确说出段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系,;运用careful reaidng阅读策略,能够正确回答问题,填出“每年被捕捉和贸易的鲨鱼数量”等具体信息,说出鲨鱼濒临灭绝的原因,造成的后果现状以及拯救鲨鱼的措施。 Learning Objectives 3. 通过图片和关键词能够复述课文内容,通过讨论问题,能够说出保护鲨鱼的措施,增强关爱动物,保护动物意识,呼吁人们保护鲨鱼。No trading, No Killing! Look and say Activity 1 Lead to objective 1 test it 评价标准:观看图片回答问题,正确回答1个问题得2分,。本活动。 我得( )分。 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. The ocean is beautiful because of the diversity (多样性) of life. 1.What is the king of the sea 3.Do sharks have natural enemies Sharks. No, but human. 2.What do you think of the shark Big\huge\scary\ugly\strong\…. Do you want to know more about sharks Watch and say Activity 2 Lead to objective 1 test it 评价标准:观看视频回答问题,正确回答前2个问题得2分,。加上下1页,本活动。 我得( )分。 Let's enjoy a video and answer the questions. 2.Are sharks endangered animals 3.What do you think might have caused a fall in the number of sharks 1.What is the most expensive part of a shark 4.What do you think of finning Shark fin. shark fin soup Yes, they are. Watch and say Activity 2 Lead to objective 1 test it 评价标准:观看视频回答问题,正确回答第3个问题得2分,正确回答第4个问题得1分,。加上上1页,本活动。 我得( )分。 3.What do you think might have caused a fall in the number of sharks I think the reason is that people catch sharks and cut off their fins, then throw them back to the ocean.Without a fin, a shark can no longer swim and slowly dies. They are caught by people. Their fins are cut off. They are thrown back to sea. They can’t swim anymore. They only have to die. 4.What do you think of finning It’s cruel. 切鱼鳍 Finning is cruel. Do you want to help save the sharks Let’s read the passage and know more about them. Look and predict Activity 3 Lead to objective 2 test it 评价标准:观看图片和标题预测问题答案,正确选择第1个问题得1分,正确回答第2个问题得2分,正确回答第3个问题得3分,。本活动。 我得( )分。 Let’s look, think and predict. 1. Where can you find the article A. From a novel. B. From a magazine. C. From a diary. 2.What does the passage talk about 3. Do you think sharks are endangered Why Reading Tip:The title and the picture can help predict what the passage talks about. It may talk about the sharks are in endanger and they need us to save them. Yes. Because I know people may kill them for their fins and oil. Also, the title tells us to save them. Fast reading Activity 4 Lead to objective 2 test it 评价标准:再快速读课文匹配段落大意,正确匹配出1个段落得2分,。本活动。 我得( ) ... ...

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