初中英语 / 人教新目标(Go for it)版 / 七年级下册 / Unit 7 It's raining! / Section A / 编号:20610027

2023-2024学年人教版七年级英语下册Unit 7 It’s raining. Section A 1a-1c 教学课件+教学设计(共38张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:初中英语 类型:课件 来源:二一教育课件站
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教学设计 一、基本信息 课名 Unit 7 It’s raining! Section A (1a-1c) 学科(版本) 人教版新目标 年级 七年级 二、教学目标 By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. Learn to express the key words windy, cloudy, sunny, and raining, snowing, and language expressions to ask about the weather, such as "How's the weather in.... " 2. Be able to use correct sentences and the present progressive tense to complete dialogue performances. 3、Be able to complete the discourse writing. (Talk about the weather, activities, feelings) 三、学习者分析 Through the study of Unit6 I'm watching TV, students have had a preliminary exposure to the present progressive tense and can use it correctly to state what is happening and respond to it. they have also had a preliminary exposure to the general questions of this structure and their responses. Learning difficulties: 1.Students cannot use sentence patterns to talk about weather conditions; 2.Students learn to use the present progressive tense to describe the activities of people in various weather contexts. 四、教学重难点分析 Talk about the weather, activities and feelings in different cities; 五、教学设计 教学环节 起止时间(’”- ’”) 环节目标 教学内容 学生活动 媒体作用及分析 Step 1 Lead-in (00'50''— 02'46'') 激发兴趣,引出新课。 Greeting. Play a song about weather. Enjoy the song about the weather and sing along with it. 教师利用视频播放关于天气的歌曲,内容简单,歌词朗朗上口。同时,也是本节课的中心句,让学生提前感知。通过歌曲,引入到本节课所谈论的话题--天气,从而吸引学生注意力,为下面环节的学习做好铺垫。 Step 2 Learn the new words and the names of the places (02'46''— 15'22'') 和学生一起学习本节课的生词、不同的国家名字和句型,让学生学会对天气提问和进行回答。 T: Look at the pictures. How is the weather in the picture (Provide some pictures for Ss to learn the new words.) Help Ss to remember the new words and recognize the symbols of different weather. Lead Ss to sum up the rules of word formation. Let the students guess the weather in the ancient poems. Let Ss chant together. T: May Day is coming. Do you want to travel Do you like travelling Today we will have a virtual travel. Watch a video about the three different cities in the foreign countries. 8. Show some pictures of the cities and let Ss learn about the famous building in these cities. E.g. the CN Tower in Toronto. the Red Square in Moscow. Present a three-dimensional earth and let students know where the three cities are and what part of the earth our country is. Show the pictures and introduce the key sentence patterns of this lesson and let the students practice describing what kind of weather there is in different areas. Observe the pictures and try to describe the weather. Sa: It's sunny/ rainy/raining/windy/snowy/ snowing. Try to memorize the words and say them. Sum up the rules of word formation. n. +y adj. 4. Read the ancient poems carefully and guess what kind of weather is described in the ancient poems. 5. Chant together and slap ... ...

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