初中英语 / 牛津译林版 / 九年级下册 / Unit 1 Asia / 编号:20682342

牛津译林版九年级下册Unit 1 Asia短语和句子

日期:2024-09-29 科目:初中英语 类型:试卷 来源:二一教育课件站
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初中英语 初中英语
九下Unit1短语和句子 P6-7短语和句子 短语 最好(不)做某事 had better (not ) do sth. 很长一段路要走 a long way to go 继续前进 keep moving go on 用法 go on with sth./ go on doing sth./ go on to do sth. 周游中国 travel around China 一种传统的中国艺术 a kind of traditional Chinese art 句子 爬台阶是累人的。 It’s tiring to climb the steps. 我要休息。 I’m taking a rest. 还有很长一段路要走。 There’s still a long way to go. 我们最好继续前进。 We’d better keep moving. 在你回来的路上把我叫醒。 Wake me up on your way back. 既然你现在在北京,为何不从这儿开始呢? Since you’re in Beijing now, why don’t you start from here 天安门广场、故宫和长城是游玩的好去处。 Tian’anmen Square, the Palace Museum and the Great Wall are wonderful places to go. 我能在北京看到什么特别的东西吗? What special things can I see in Beijing 中国戏曲是一种传统的中国艺术。 Chinese opera is a kind of traditional Chinese art. 京剧是最受欢迎之一 Beijing opera is one of the most popular. 你可以去欣赏一下(京剧)。 You can go and enjoy it. 多谢你的建议。 Thank you for your suggestions. P8短语和句子 短语 中国的首都 the capital of China 在古城北京中心 in the middle of the ancient city of Beijing 被变成 be turned into 非常值得游玩 be well worth a visit 世界上最大的城市广场 the biggest city square in the world 一大早聚集在那儿 gather there early in the morning 看升旗仪式 watch the raising of the national flag 在北京西北部 in the north-west of Beijing 一个大型的中式园林 a large Chinese garden 另外一个著名的观光胜地 another famous attraction 每隔几百米 every few hundred metres 奇迹之一 one of the wonders 句子 在古城北京的中心的是故宫,也被称作紫禁城。 In the middle of the ancient city of Beijing is the Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City. 明清朝的皇帝曾在那儿居住。 The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live there. 在1925年被变成一个博物馆。 It was turned into a museum in 1925. 它里面有宏伟的建筑和艺术珠宝,非常值得一游。 With wonderful buildings and art treasures inside, it is well worth a visit. 紧挨着故宫的是天安门广场,世界上最大的城市广场。 Next to the Palace Museum is Tian’anmen Square, the biggest city square in the world. 许多游客喜欢一大早聚集在那儿观看升旗仪式。 Many tourists like to gather there early in the morning to watch the raising of the national flag. 在北京西北的是颐和园,一个坐落在自然风景中的中式园林。 In the north-west of Beijing is the Summer Palace, a large Chinese garden set in a natural landscape. 它曾是帝王们的避暑胜地。 It was once a nice place for the emperors to spend the summer. 另外一个著名的观光胜地是长城。 Another famous attraction is the Great Wall. 它在中国北部绵延6000多千米,每隔几百米设有一个瞭望塔。 It runs for over 6,000 kilometres across northern China. 它是世界奇迹之一。 It is one of the wonders of the world. P9-11短语和句子 短语 在中国南部 in southern China 位于漓江两侧 lie on the two sides of the Lijiang River 形态各异 stand in different shapes 造型奇特 in unusual shapes 被誉为 be praised as 乘船旅行 take a boat trip 租一辆自 ... ...

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