初中英语 / 外研版(2024) / 八年级上册 / Module 2 My home town and my country / Unit 1 It's taller than many other buildings. / 编号:21338175

外研版八年级上册Module 2单元过关检测(解析版+原卷板)

日期:2024-09-29 科目:初中英语 类型:试卷 来源:二一教育课件站
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 外研版英语八年级上册Module 2单元过关测试 英 语 满分:120分 考试时间:120分钟 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 总分 得分 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第I卷(听力30分) 一、根据所听到的描述,选出与其相符的图片,其中有一幅图片是多余的(5分) A B C D E F 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 【答案】 F B A C D 【原文】1. When my parents fight, it’s like a big, black cloud hanging over our home. 2. I was waiting for the bus when it began to rain heavily. 3. I was invited to Linda’s birthday party last night. I ate too much junk food so I got a stomachache. 4. Mum, could I hang out with my friends until ten o’clock tonight Tomorrow is Saturday. 5. I’d like to give out food at the food bank to help the homeless people. 二、听对话,选择最佳答案(20分) 2.Who is the tallest, Li Lei, Bill or John A.Li Lei. B.John. C.Bill. 【答案】A 【原文】略 3.What does Danny want to be in the future A.A basketball player. B.A good doctor. C.A worker. 【答案】A 【详解】M: Look at Danny. He plays basketball very well. W: Yes. He wants to be a basketball player in the future. Q: What does Danny want to be in the future 4.Who dances the best A.Ann. B.Grace. C.Lisa. 【答案】C 【原文】略 5.Who is the tallest player in Luke’s basketball team A.Mark. B.John. C.Luke. 【答案】C 【原文】W: Who is the tallest player in your basketball team, Luke M: Mark and John are tall, but I’m the tallest. 6.Who is Tony’s brother A. B. C. 【答案】C 【原文】略 听下面一段材料,回答下面各小题 7.How long did the speaker stay in China A.Three weeks. B.Two weeks. C.One month. 8.What surprised the speaker A.The hotel. B.The airport. C.The people. 9.What did the speaker do in the school in Beijing A.Danced with them. B.Sang songs. C.Played ping-pang. 【答案】7.A 8.B 9.C 【原文】略 听下面一段对话,回答三个小题。 10.What Chinese food does Michael’s mom like best A.Jiaozi. B.Zongzi. C.Yuanxiao. 11.How far is it from Michael’s home to Mr. King A.About 2 km. B.About 3 km. C.About 4 km. 12.How does Michael’s mom want to get to Mr. King A.By car. B.By subway. C.By bike. 【答案】10.A 11.B 12.C 【原文】略 听对话,回答问题。 13.What does Eric usually do after class A.He goes to the music club. B.He watches TV. C.He goes to library. 14.Can he play the violin A.Yes, he does. B.Yes, he is. C.Yes, he can. 15.What time does he go home A.At six. B.At four. C.At five. 16.How does he go home A.He walks. B.He rides his bike. C.By bus. 【答案】13.A 14.C 15.A 16.B 【原文】W: Hi, Eric! What do you usually do after class M: I go to the music club. I can play the violin. W: When do you go there M: At five every afternoon. W: What time do you go home M: I go home at six. W: Do you go home by bus M: No, I ride my bike. 你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,选出每个问题的最佳答案,短文读两遍。17.How long is the holiday A.Two days. B.Three days. C.Four days. 18.What day is the woman leaving ... ...

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