初中英语 / 牛津译林版 / 八年级上册 / Unit 1 Friends / 编号:20682337

Unit1-Unit4 reading挖词填空+翻译句子(无答案) 牛津译林版八年级英语上册

日期:2024-09-29 科目:初中英语 类型:试卷 来源:二一教育课件站
预览图 4
初中英语 初中英语
Unit1-Unit4 reading挖词填空+翻译句子 Unit1 一、课文填空 Betty is one of my _____friends. She is _____ and has short hair. Betty is _____ She is willing _____things with her friends. She is also _____and ready to help people any time. She helps me _____ my homework and she always gives her _____on the bus to someone in need. Betty has a good _____. She wants to be a _____ when she grows up. My best friend is Max. He is the _____ boy in our class—_____1.75 metres. He wears small _____ glasses. They make him look smart. Max has a good sense of _____. He tells funny _____ and always makes me _____. I never feel _____ with him. Max’s legs are very long. They do not fit _____ under his desk. When he walks_____ our desks, he often_____our books and pens onto the floor. Max is _____! May is my best friend. She is _____than I am. She has big _____ eyes and long _____hair. Everyone thinks she is pretty. May is sweet. She_____often and never says a bad _____ about anyone. May is a _____friend. When something _____me, I can_____go to her. I can tell her anything because she can keep a _____. 二、句子翻译 我有一些令人惊奇的事分享给你。 坦白说,这裙子在你身上不那么好看。 我不相信他说的话因为他是一个不诚实的男孩。 这个嗓音好的女孩长大后想当一名歌手。 那个方脸的男人是中国最有名作家之一。 你要保守秘密,否则这会使他不开心。 他面带微笑的走进教室。 你会选谁做今年最杰出的老师? 我在做志愿者工作时从不感到无聊。 这双鞋并不适合我。 很难决定选择哪个。 Unit2 一、课文填空 Hi, everybody. My name is Nancy. I am in Year 8 at Woodland School near London. It is a _____ school. Boys and girls have lessons together. _____ all my subjects, I like_____best. _____ foreign languages is fun. Our school has a Reading Week every year. During the week, we can _____ more books from the school library. We can also _____ in books and _____from home. I often read more books _____ my classmates. Near the _____ of the week, we _____the books with our classmates in class. Time _____ to go faster when we are reading _____books. Hi guys. I’m John and I’m _____ years old. I’m in the _____ grade at Rocky Mountain High School near Denver. Every Monday, I go to the Buddy Club. In the club, _____students help new students _____ more about the school. My friend Tony is in the 12th grade. He often listens _____ to my problems and _____ me help. He is my _____. We have _____ classes every day. On Friday afternoon, our school ends _____ than _____. My friends and I often do _____ together. _____ a week, I play _____ after school. I love this game and _____ hard every time. Our team _____ two games last _____. 二,翻译句子 1,他喜欢什么? _____ 2,他喜欢做什么? _____ 3,他是做什么的?他是一名医生。 _____ 4,他是什么样的一个人?他为人慷慨。 _____ 5,他看上去什么样?他高而结实。 _____ 6,学习外语是真有趣。 _____ 7,会议是上周二开始的,上周六结束的。 _____ 8,我们学校上午8点钟开始,下午六点钟结束。 _____ 9,这家商店早上8点钟开门,下午5点钟关门。 _____ 10,当我们在读有趣的书籍时,时间似乎过得更快。 _____ ... ...

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