初中班会 / 其他 / 编号:21170825

初三英语开学第一课主题班会 课件(共34张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:初中班会 类型:课件 来源:二一教育课件站
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初中班会 初中班会
(课件网) 初三英语 开学第一课 时间:20xx年x月x日 汇报人:XXX 更 待 何 时 此 时 不 拼 The first class of English in grade three 愿你张开青春的翅膀,翻过高高的书山,愿你迈开豪迈的脚步,跨过茫茫的题海。 May you open the wings of youth, climb over the high mountain of books, may you take bold steps, across the vast sea of problems. 中考意味着什么? What does the high school entrance exam mean 02 木桶定律 Barrel law 03 新学期寄语 New semester message 01 目录 CONTENTS 必备 essential 05 小结 Brief summary 06 英语四步走 English four steps 04 01. New semester message 新学期寄语 愿你张开青春的翅膀,翻过高高的书山,愿你迈开豪迈的脚步,跨过茫茫的题海。 May you open the wings of youth, climb over the high mountain of books, may you take bold steps, across the vast sea of problems. 新学期寄语 01. New semester message 愿你张开青春的翅膀,翻过高高的书山,愿你迈开豪迈的脚步,跨过茫茫的题海。在崭新的学期里,祝你拥有灿烂辉煌的明天。初三开始了,你准备好了么? May you open the wings of youth, climb over the high mountain of books, may you take bold steps, across the vast sea of problems. In the new semester, I wish you a brilliant tomorrow. The third grade begins. Are you ready 02. What does the high school entrance exam mean 中考意味着什么? 初三,意味着我们将开始描绘我们的另一个世界。我们将拿着各种“目标”彩水笔,谱写并描绘着另一个世界,要让它变的比以前更酷,更帅,更精彩。 The third day means that we will begin to paint our other world. we will take various "goal" color pens, write and describe another world, to make it cooler, more handsome, more wonderful than before. 中考意味着什么? 02. What does the high school entrance exam mean 初三,意味着我们将开始描绘我们的另一个世界。不管在初一、初二我们的知心朋友有多少,我们的辉煌历史有多灿烂;我们的收藏品有多少种。从现在起,我们真正面对的是一片等待我们填补的空白,我们将拿着各种“目标”彩水笔,谱写并描绘着另一个世界,要让它变的比以前更酷,更帅,更精彩。 The third day means that we will begin to paint our other world. No matter how many close friends we have in the first and second days, how brilliant our glorious history is; How many kinds do we have in our collection From now on, what we are really facing is a blank waiting for us to fill, we will take various "goal" color pens, write and describe another world, to make it cooler, more handsome, more wonderful than before. 中考意味着什么? 02. What does the high school entrance exam mean 初三,意味着我们将开始度过一个短暂而又紧张的一学年。这是很重要的一年,我们要用四个月的时间迅速学完初三的课程,剩下的三个月的时间我们将完成第一轮复习和第二轮复习,其间不能放松。 The third day means that we will begin to spend a short and intense school year. This is a very important year, we have to spend four months to quickly learn the course of Grade three, the remaining three months we will complete the first round of review and the second round of review, during which can not relax. 我们将开始度过一个短暂而又紧张的一学年。 中考意 ... ...

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