初中英语 / 人教新目标(Go for it)版 / 八年级上册 / Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? / 本单元复习与测试 / 编号:21252335

人教版八年级上册 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 导学案(共5课时,无答案)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:初中英语 类型:学案 来源:二一教育课件站
预览图 5
初中英语 初中英语
八年级上册 英语导学案 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation 第1课时 Section A (1a-2c) 学习目标 知识目标 1. 口、笔头掌握以下句型 -Where did you go on vacation -I went to the mountains. -Where did Tina go on vacation -She went to the mountains. -Did you go with anyone -Yes, I went with my mother. 2.熟练掌握以下词汇:vacation, mountain, special, anyone 技能目标:复习并掌握动词一般过去式的构成规律; 能用一般过去式叙述假期所做的事。 情感态度: 通过对过去事情的谈论,增进同学的相互了解。 课前准备: 1. 你能用英语写出下列短语吗? 呆在家里 _____ 去纽约市 _____ 拜访我的叔叔 _____ 去夏令营 _____ 去爬山 _____ 去海滩 _____ 参观博物馆_____ 买特别的东西_____ 遇见有趣的的人 _____ 做有趣的事情_____ II. 回忆并默写出规则动词过去式的变化规则: 1._____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ III. 做调查,问问你的同伴上个暑假都去了哪儿? -Where did you go on vacation -I went to … Name 学习过程 Before listening 1. 小组内交流课前准备1中的短语,并大声朗读三遍 2. 两人一组,用课前准备III的内容对话。 3. Do 1a. 观察与复习: 1a 中用的动词是_____时态。 规则动词过去式的变化规则是:(课前准备II)_____ 练习:写出下列动词的过去式 play clean visit stay    practice write dance study    stop do go have\has     While listening 1. 1b listen twice and number the people in the picture. 2. 1c Pairwork. Make conversations about the people in the picture. 3. 2a Listen twice and complete the chart. 4. 2b Listen twice again and check Yes or No for each question. 5. 模仿秀:听录音中的重点句段,反复跟读,模仿语音语调。 观察与思考:2b中anything, anyone都是_____代词, 当形容词special, interesting修饰它们时要位于它们____(前/后)面。我们学过的这样的代词还有哪些_____ For example: 有趣的东西_____ 好吃的东西_____ After listening 1. 2c Role-play conversations between Grace, Kevin and Julie. 2. Groupwork.四人一小组询问他们暑假都去了哪儿,做了什么。 A: Where did you go on vacation B: I went to… A: What did you do there B: I… Name Where did he/she go What did he/she do 根据调查结果向其他的同学汇报一下吧! In my group, I went to… I bought something special. Tom went to…_____ _____ _____ 知识巩固: I. 用所给词的适当形式填空,必要时添加助动词。 1. Tom and his father _____(come) to China last month. 2. My daughter _____(not go) to school yesterday. 3. There _____(be) three trees in front of this house last year. 4. _____ you _____(watch) the soccer game last Friday afternoon 5. How _____(be) the movie yesterday 6. Tony often _____(go) to the movies last year. II. 按要求改写句子,每空一词。 1. Mary visited her aunt last weekend. (改为否定句) Mary _____ _____ her aunt last week-end. 2. — Did you clean the room (作肯定回答) — Yes, _____ _____. 3. I saw an interesting movie yesterday. (改为一般疑问句) _____ you _____ an interesting movie yesterday 4. They played games on the beach. (对画线部分提问) _____ _____ they _____ on the beach 5. The bus trip was exciting. (对画线部分提问) _____ _____ the bus trip 课堂反思: 1. 如何询问“某人去哪儿度假了”? _____ 2. 形容词修饰不定代词时位置关系是怎样的? _____ 3. 你还有什么问 ... ...

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