初中英语 / 冀教版(2024) / 七年级上册(2024) / Unit 2 Learning English is fun! / Lesson 1 How do you like English? / 编号:21252437

冀教版(2024)七年级上册Unit2 Learning English is fun! Lesson 1 精讲精练(重点词汇+句型+课堂练习)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:初中英语 类型:学案 来源:二一教育课件站
预览图 4
初中英语 初中英语
中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 2 Learning English is fun! Lesson 1How do you like English 【重点词汇】 形容词:amazing, example, meaning, mean, more 名词:example;meaning 动词:mean 副词:more 【重点短语】 1.long time no see很久没见 2.How do you like… 你认为怎么样? 3.look for寻找 4.give an example举例子 5.meets up with与……会面 6.got it理解或接受某事物 【重要句型讲解】 1.You are amazing.(教材P16 2) 【重点讲解】amazing adj. 令人惊奇的 【辨析】amazing和amazed amazing 令人惊奇的 可作定语或表语,通常用来描述事物的性质或特征。 amazed 大为惊奇的 通常作表语,其主语通常是人,表示人的主观感受。 2. How do you like English (教材P16 2) 【重点讲解】“How do you like... ”意为“你(们)认为······怎么样 ”,该句型用于询问对方的观点或看法。 其同义表达有“What do you think of... ”及“How do you feel about... ” 例如:—How do you like this cup of coffee —It tastes really great. I’d like another cup. —你认为这杯咖啡怎么样? —它尝起来很不错。我想再来一杯。 3. Here is a tip.(教材P16 2) 【重点讲解】该句型为倒装结构,用于介绍某人或某物。主语为 is/are 后的名词(短语),be动词用is还是are取决于后面名词(短语)的数。 例如:Here is my jacket. 这是我的夹克衫。 【注意】以 Here 开头的句子中,如果句子的主语是人称代词,则主谓不用倒装。 Here he comes. 他来了。 5. You know the meaning of class and room. What does classroom mean (教材P16 2) 【重点讲解】(1) meaning / mi n / n. 意义;含义;意思 the meaning of... ······的意义/含义 例如:Do you know the meaning of this word 你知道这个单词的意思吗 【知识拓展】meaningful adj. 有意义的 例如:In his opinion, learning to cook is a meaningful thing. 在他看来,学习做饭是一件有意义的事情。 4. Can you give me an example (教材P16 2) 【重点讲解】example n. 例子;典型 (1)give an example 举个例子 例如:Can anyone give me an example of an event in the past 有人能给我举一个过去事件的例子吗? (2)典型;榜样 set an example to sb. 给某人树立榜样 例如:Lei Feng is a great person. He sets a good example to us. 雷锋是一个伟大的人。他给我们树立了好榜样。 【课堂练习】 一、单词拼写 1.At s_____, Jimmy often has noodles for lunch and then goes for a walk in the playground.(/u /) 2.Our teacher enjoys reading on the b_____ and looking out to sea. ( /i /) 3.David n_____ a pair of black shoes for school so his mother buys a pair for him. 4.I like fruits, for e_____, apples. 5.The cookbook (烹饪书) is very good. It teaches you how to c_____ fish. ( / /) 二、适当形式填空 6.To help us understand (理解) that word, the teacher gives us some _____ (example). 7.China is an old country with a history (历史) of m_____ than 5,000 years. 8.What is the _____ (mean) of life Different people have different answers. 9.What an _____ (amaze) trip I have in Beidaihe! The fish there are delicious. 10.Can you tell me the _____ (mean) of this word 11.I’d like to tell you some _____ (tip) on learning English. 12.You don’t need _____ (finish) it today. You can do it tomorrow. 二、完成句子 13.他正在寻找他的英语书。 He is_____ _____ his English b ... ...

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