初中英语 / 冀教版(2024) / 七年级上册(2024) / Unit 2 Learning English is fun! / Lesson 2 Amazing English / 编号:21252452

冀教版(2024)七年级上册Unit2 Learning English is fun! Lesson 2 精讲精练(含答案,重点词汇+句型+课堂练习).docx

日期:2024-09-19 科目:初中英语 类型:试卷 来源:二一教育课件站
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初中英语 初中英语
中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 2 Learning English is fun! Lesson 2Amazing English 【重点词汇】 介词:than 数量词:million 名词:level;phrase;piece;sentence;fox 副词:only;therein、even 形容词:quick;lazy 动词:need 【重点短语】 1.more than:多于 2.move around:四处移动 3.a piece of cake:小菜一碟 4.jump over:跳过 【重要句型讲解】 1.But the 26 letters can make more than one million words. 但这26个字母可以构成100多万个单词。 【重点讲解】more than多于;后接数字时表示超过这个数量。 例如:There are over 1, 200 students in our school.我们学校有一千二百多名学生。 2. You don’t even need to move any letters around. 你甚至不需要移动任何字母。 【重点讲解】move around 四处移动。 around是副词,动词+副词组成的短语,宾语为代词时,代词应放在中间。 例如:The box is very heavy, you can’t move it around。 箱子很重,你移动不了它。 3. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过懒惰的狗。 【重点讲解】jump over跳过 例如:My pet Eddie is funny. It can jump over the desk. 我的宠物埃迪很有趣。它能跳过桌子。 【课堂练习】 一、单词拼写 1.Be _____ (快的)! We have no time left. 2.Dale is _____ (只有) six years old, but he can play ping-pong very well. 3.You cannot be too _____ (懒惰的). You must make your bed every morning. 4.Your English is very good. You are at a high _____ (水平). 5.I don’t understand the meaning of these _____ (句子). 二、适当形式填空 6.Newspapers always tell people a lot of _____. (fact) 7.What do these _____ (sentence) mean 8.LinaBell is a pink _____ (fox). Many young people like it. 9.Follow my tips and put the beef (牛肉) between the two _____ (piece) of bread. 三、完成句子 10.他们把所有的家具搬动了一遍。 They _____ all the furniture _____. 11.跳过那条线对这个男孩来说太难了,但他从不放弃。 It’s hard for the boy to _____ _____ the line, but he never gives up. 12.每个人都需要学习一些急救知识。 Everyone _____ _____ _____ something about first aid. 13.John每天锻炼超过一小时。 John exercises _____ an hour every day. 14.———今天下午你能完成你的英语作业吗? ———小菜一碟。你知道的,我擅长英语。 —Can you finish your English homework this afternoon —It’s _____ _____ _____ _____. You know, I’m good at English. 四、选词填空 fox, phrase, quick, therein, piece 15.She cuts the cake into four _____. 16.Eat _____, or you’ll be late for school. 17.There are many _____ in the picture. They’re so cute. 18.She often uses funny _____ to make people laugh. 19.The answer is _____. Look carefully. 【答案】 一、1.quick 2.only 3.lazy 4.level 5.sentences 二、6.facts 7、sentences 8.foxes9.pieces 三、10.move around jump over Needs to learn more than a piece of cake 四、15.pieces 16.quickly 17.foxes 18.phrased 19.therein 21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页) 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) ... ...

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