Part C Project:Make a poster for the food festival I为下列句子选择相应的图片。 A B ( )1.The woman is from Canada. ( )2.The boy is from Henan,China. )3.The man is from the UK. )4.The girl is from the USA. Ⅱ选择正确的单词填空,并将其写在四线三格上。 Where China the USA Who teacher l.Mo Yan(莫言)is from 2.Helen Keller(海伦·凯勒)is from 3. is that woman are you from 5.Miss White is my English Ⅲ读句子,从方框中选出与画线部分类型相同的词语,将序号封存括号里。 A.have B.we C.this D.Canada E.elephant )1.We like to play ( )2.That is my new friend. )3.The panda is from China. ( )4.I like monkeys. ( )5.Thank you 010 名智英语作业本 W单项选择。 )1.-Where are you -I'm from A.from;UK B.from;the UK;USA ( )2.-What is your -My name Amy Green. A.Name;is;are;is )3. that woman -She is my A.Who;neighbour B.Who's;neighbour C.Who's;neighbours )4.-Nice meet you. to meet you too.;Nice;nice C.too;Nice ()5.-Let me help you. A.After you B.Thank you C.You're welcome V连词成句。(填序号) 1.①are②from ③you④where⑤(.) 2.①is②my ③classmate ④Zhang Peng⑤(?) 3.①that②girl③is④who⑤(?) 4.①Canada②Mike③is④from⑤(.) 5.①today②have③two ④nice⑤friends⑥we ⑦(.) 英语三年级下册RJ·PEP011参考答案 I、14.CBDA eyes 9.tail 10.legs 5.Fine Unit 1 Meeting new people 2.teacher 3.from Part B How do we express our feelings Ⅱ、1~5.CCACA Part A How do we greet new people 4.She 5.boy I、15.CBAAC Ⅲ、1~5.FFFTT Part C Project:Make a poster for the Ⅱ、1~5.EADBC IV、1~5.BBAAB Canada food festival lⅢ、 V、4123567 I、14.DCBA 4.picture I、l.D paper2.B book China Ⅱ、l.China2.the USA3.Who W、15.BABCA 3.E me 4.Where 5.teacher V、15.DBEAC 4.A bag 5.C ruler Ⅲ、15.ACDEB I、14.BCDA I、任务一勾选:钢笔、铅笔盒、橡 IV、15.BCBAB I、任务1~3.ACB 皮、尺子、书包、书 USA V、1.④①③②⑤2.①④②③⑤ 任务二4~7.TFTF 任务二1~5.TTFFT Ⅱ、15.ADBEC 3.④③①②⑤4.②③④①⑤ Part C Project:Make mind maps of Part B How do our senses help us learn Ⅲ、15.TTFTF IW、1~5.BABAB 5.⑥②③④⑤①⑦/①⑥②③④⑤⑦ how we show friendship I、15.DEACB V、l.China2.are3.old M、14.CDAB I、1~5.DAEB Ⅱ、1.BGIL2.CEJK3.ADFH 4.Zhang Peng I、1~5.TFTTF Ⅱ、1.long2.has3.Do4.her Ⅲ、1~5.TFTFF M、1~5.BADCE I、14.FFFT Unit 2 Expressing yourself V、15.ABAAB Part B How can we be polite Part A How we describe things Ⅲ、15.CBBCB V、15.DBEAC I、1~6.BDACEF I、1~5.FTTTT V、15.BACBA I、任务一14.ABCB Ⅱ、1.woman2.girl3.women Ⅱ、l.long2.fat3.thin4.slow 6~10.AABAC 任务二 b.trees 4.this 5.who is are 5.short V、15.DCAEB c.grass 7.welcome8.新的9.teacher Ⅲ、l.is2.has3.is4.has5.are M、任务一1~4.FFTF 6.ABC 10.he is W、1~5.TFTTF 任务二5.A6.略 7.BC Ⅲl、1.are2.is3.am4.your V、15.BABBA 任务三 8.I see flowers with my eyes I、1~5.BAECD 10.body 11.short Part C Project:Make a sense book V、1~5.BCCAB I、任务一②④③⑤ Unit 3 Learning better I、1~5.ACACB V、25143 任务二1~5.TFTTF Part a What tools help us learn Ⅱ、1.CFG2.BEH3.AD M、15.CAB ... ...