初中英语 / 人教新目标(Go for it)版 / 八年级上册 / Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? / Section B / 编号:21189693

Unit 1 Section B(1a-1e)内嵌听力录音课件(2024-2025学年人教八上英语Unit 2 How often do you exercise?)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:初中英语 类型:课件 来源:二一教育课件站
预览图 12
初中英语 初中英语
(课件网) Section B 1a-1e Unit1 Where did you go on vacation 根据短文内容及括号内所给词的提示填空。 Life was different eighty years ago. People (1) _____ (not have) the things we have today. First of all, they (2) _____ (not watch) TV and they (3) _____ (talk) to each other a lot. Today people (4) _____ (not talk) to each other much because we (5) _____ (spend) a lot of time watching TV. Eighty years ago, people (6) _____ (dress) differently. For example, women (7) _____ (wear) the cheongsam (旗袍). didn’t have didn’t watch talked don’t talk spend dressed wore A:Where did you go on vacation B:I went to the beach. A:Did you have a good time B:Yes, I did. Look how high I jumped! Lead-in A:Where did you go on vacation B:I stayed at home. A:What did you do B:I just read and relaxed! A:Where did you go on vacation B:I went to New York City. A:Where did you go on vacation B:I went to the mountains. Pairwork How was her vacation It was boring. It was hot. How was the weather Lead in and presentation How was his vacation It was exciting. They were friendly. How were the people 不友好的unfriendly Lead in and presentation Where did they go on vacation They went to summer camp. Did they do anything interesting Yes, they did. Lead in and presentation Role-play conversations between Grace, Kevin and Julie. 群聊(3) Grace, where ... Oh, really Did you... Did you buy anything ... Grace Kevin New York City with her mother bought a hat for... went to the beach went swimming tasted good Julie stayed at home studied for tests I went to ... Yes, I bought a hat ... Yes, I ... Did they do anything interesting Yes, they did. Where did they go on vacation They went to summer camp. How was their vacation It was exciting. How was the food there It was delicious. Lead in They went to the beach. Did they see anything beautiful Yes, they did. How was their vacation It was great. How were the beaches there They were beautiful. Where did they go on vacation Lead in We can describe good things and bad things by description words. A: How was your vacation B: It was_____ exciting 形容词, “令人兴奋的, 使人激动的” boring 用作形 容词“令人厌 烦的,无聊的” A: How was the food there B: It was_____ delicious [d l s] 形容词意为“美 味的” terrible [ ter bl]形容词,意为“很糟的,很坏的”, A: How were the stores there B: They were...... expensive 形容词,昂贵的, cheap [t i:p] 形 容词,便宜的 A: How were the people there B: They were_____. friendly 形容词, “友好的” unfriendly 意为“不友 好的” Lead in Do you know how to talk about your vacation Vacation Place Weather Food Activities People Where did you go When did you go What did you do Who did you go with How was the weather How was the food How were the people How did you go Lead in good bad terrible delicious exciting interesting ... ... Use description words to describe about trips of vacation. friendly cheap unfriendly expensive boring tired Lead in I went out for vac ... ...

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