初中英语 / 牛津上海(试用本) / 九年级上册 / Module1 / Unit 1 Ancient Greece / 编号:20788620

Module1 Unit 1 Ancient Greece 知识点词组+词转梳理 牛津上海版英语九年级上册

日期:2024-10-06 科目:初中英语 类型:素材 来源:二一教育课件站
预览图 1
Unit 1 语言点梳理 go upstairs = go up the stairs 上楼 come downstairs = come down the stairs 下楼 at a time = each time 每次 no longer = not ... any longer (注意时态一致) 不再 attack the city of Troy 攻打特洛伊城 The citizens of Troy all went to sleep, including the gate guards. 所有特洛伊的公民都去睡觉了,包括看守。 some Trojan soldiers 一些特洛伊士兵 All Trojans danced and sang around the giant horse. 所有的特洛伊人都围绕着巨马跳舞。 Greece is famous for its long history and rich culture. 希腊以其悠久的历史和丰富的文化闻名。 Six Greek soldiers hid in the wooden horse. 六个希腊士兵藏在木马里。 The Greeks returned in the darkness. 希腊人在夜色中返回。 beyond = on the far side of 远离...,离得远 beyond the plain 离开平原很远处 beyond the control of 远离控制 That won’t be difficult to drag the horse because it’s on wheels. 拖拽这匹马不难因为它装有轮子。 A giant wooden horse on wheels stood outside the city. 一匹装有轮子的巨马站在城市外。 make jokes about = make fun of the enemies 取笑敌人 make sure the gates were securely locked 确保所有的门都被牢牢锁上。 at midnight / by midnight 在半夜/直到半夜 join the army 入伍 seize the captain 擒获了首领 capture the city by fighting / through a trick 用武力/通过一个计谋占领了这座城 succeed in doing = be successful in doing = manage to do = do sth. successfully 反义词组: fail to do 成功做...,做成了... 没做成... The dress fits you well. 这条裙子很适合你。 refuse to do / refuse sth. 拒绝做... / 拒绝某物 be independent of 独立于... be dependent on depend(ed) on 依赖于... sweep the floor (sweep - swept - swept) 扫地 make the bed 铺床 empty the rubbish bin (empty - emptied - emptied) 清空垃圾桶 hang up the clothes (hang - hung - hung 挂起 / hang - hanged - hanged 绞刑) 挂起衣服 mend the hole in the carpet (mend - mended - mended) 补好毯子上的洞 get rid of the rats 清楚这些老鼠 make him a gold crown 为他做一个皇冠 be entirely / completely made of gold 完全由纯金制成 in the kingdom 在这个王国里 The king suspected the maker. 国王怀疑制作者。 The object displaces the water. = The object takes the place of the water. 物体取代了水。 shout to the servant 冲着仆人大叫 weigh the crown / weigh one kilogram 称皇冠/重一公斤 a pot of water 一坛水 send sb. to prison 把某人送入监狱 be in prison = be behind the bars 坐牢 some historical places a historic moment 一些历史(存在过的)地点 一个历史(意义的)时刻 提供帮助的表达: Can I give you a hand Do you need any help Is there anything I can do Is there anything you want/need to do Shall I help you Anything I can do May I assist you 接受帮助的表达: Yes, please. Could you … Oh yes, that would be nice/lovely/helpful. Indeed you could, thank you. Well, if you wouldn’t mind … Well, now that you ask, you could … ... ...

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