初中英语 / 人教版(2024) / 七年级上册(2024) / Unit 2 We're Family! / Section A / 编号:21388254

人教版(2024)七年级上册 Unit 2 We are family Section A pronunciation 2a-2e 教学设计(共1课时,表格式)

日期:2024-10-06 科目:初中英语 类型:教案 来源:二一教育课件站
预览图 1
课题 人教版七年级上册英语 Unit 2 We are family Period 3 Section A pronunciation 2a-2e教学设计 班级 备课教师 课型 第3课时 课时 1 一、教学目标 1. 语言知识目标 学生能够正确掌握单词“whose, often, together, every, lot, lots of, really, very”的发音。 学生能够理解并运用重点句型“Whose... are they They're...”来询问和回答物品的归属。 2. 语言技能目标 通过听力练习,提高学生捕捉关键信息的能力。 培养学生的口语表达能力,能够流利地进行关于家庭物品归属和家庭成员活动爱好的对话。 3. 情感态度目标 鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动,增强学习英语的自信心。 引导学生关注家庭成员,增进家庭情感。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点 掌握重点单词的正确发音。 熟练运用重点句型进行交流。 2. 教学难点 理解并区分“lots of”和“a lot of”的用法。 能够准确流利地朗读对话,注意语音语调。 三、教学方法 1. 情景教学法:通过创设 Peter 做客 Tengfei 家的情景,让学生在真实的语境中学习和运用语言。 2. 任务驱动法:布置听力、对话等任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中提高语言能力。 3. 合作学习法:组织学生进行小组合作,共同完成学习任务,培养合作精神。 四、教学过程 (一)Warming-up 1. Greet the students and have a free talk about family. Ask students to introduce their family members. 2. Play a short video about a family and ask some questions about it. (二)Presentation 1. Present the new words “whose, often, together, every, lot, lots of, really, very” on the PPT. Read the words aloud and ask students to follow. Explain the meanings and usage of the words through examples and pictures. 2. Play the recording of the dialogue. Students listen and try to catch the key information. Ask some questions to check their understanding, such as: Whose ping-pong bats are they What does Tengfei's grandpa love 3. Focus on the pronunciation of the new words and the key sentences. Play the recording again and students repeat sentence by sentence. Pay attention to the stress and intonation. (三)Practice 1. Group work: Students work in groups of four. One student acts as Peter, one as Tengfei, and the other two act as their family members. They make a new dialogue based on the given situation. 2. Invite some groups to perform their dialogues in front of the class. The other students listen and give comments. (四)Production 1. Show some pictures of different family items and ask students to have a pair work. One student asks “Whose... is/are this/these ” and the other answers. 2. Let students share their conversations with the whole class. (五)Summary and Homework 1. Summarize the key points of this lesson, including the new words and the sentence patterns. 2. Ask students to write a short passage about their family members' hobbies and the things they own. ... ...

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